Training Modules

Body Language


Body Language

Body Language is Non-verbal manifestation Of what we wish to convey to the receiver. We can notice in the manner we walk Talk, and position our hands or legs.

Positive Gestures Handshakes The gazes Smiles Hand Movements Leg Positions Styles of Walking Voice Modulations

Positive gestures

1. Open Palms – Positive Personality.
2. Eye contact – Honest and Direct
3. Smile – Open Personality
4. Equal Handshakes

Eye Contact

1. Maintain eye contact.
2. Eyes down – you made a mistake.
3. Eyes sides – avoiding
4. Eyes closed – you are not sure.


1. Felt Smile
a. Upturned mouth with lips closed.
b. Upper set of teeth exposed
c. Broad smile
All to appreciate the interaction.Body Language

2. Miserable Smile Only half the mouth is smiling
3. False Smile Slight turn at the end of the mouth.Body Language

Hand Movements

1. Hugging of the self – Uncertainty Lack of confidence.
2. Arms folded thumb up – Closed mind, superiority Complex.
3. Holding hands in front – Having artistic, or logical bent of mind.
4. Clasping of hands behind – Royalty or authority
5. Right hand supporting right cheek. Thinking unsolved puzzles.
6. Scratching the head. Caught in the doubt trap.
7. Both hands on the hips. Bossism.
8. Hands moving in arm’s orbit. Analyzing critical situations.

Leg Positions.

1. Cross legs. Leg up. Bossism. Superiority.
2. Cross legs. Legs down. Casual and relaxed.
3. Leg Shaking Reckless and negligent.
4. Legs stretched forward. Relaxing and may be sleeping
5. Cross legs and one hand back the chair. Authority in relaxing.
6. Both legs at 90* hands on the lap. Most acceptable posture.

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