Training Modules

Business Etiquette


Business Etiquette = Success in the Work Field

What is Business Etiquette?

” Business etiquette is the subtle, redefining difference which enables people to excel and succeed in today’s corporate culture.”
➢ Presenting Yourself
➢ Good Manners
➢ Courteous to others
➢ Respect of others
➢ Being comfortable around others and making
➢ them comfortable around you
➢ No gender issue


 Global workforce, International clients, Joint ventures Educated work force has redefined social & business etiquettes and manners of Indian business culture.
 Appearances, attitudes and behaviors of employees has become direct reflections of company and brand.
 Knowing how to conduct oneself with confidence and ease can determine whether one gets project, lands the contract or moves up the corporate ladder.
 Thus it become essential for professionals to know the right things to do at corporate formal get together , lunches , dinners and social events.

Principles of Business Etiquette

• Be punctual
• Be discrete
• Appropriate attire
• Appropriate language
• Maintain a positive attitude
• Concern for others
• Strong work ethic

Forms Of Business Etiquette

• Meeting etiquette
• Wardrobe etiquette
• Travel etiquette
• Dinning etiquette
• Tipping etiquette
• Business cocktail party etiquette

Rules of Introduction

➢ One person is always introduced to another.
➢ Basic rules are:
1. A man is always introduced to a woman
2. A young person is always introduced to an older person
3. A less important person is always introduced to a more important person.
➢ Do not introduce people by first names only
➢ Display enthusiasm in introductions


• A handshake is firm and brief
• Accompanied by a direct look into the eyes of the person whose hand one is shaking
• Shaking hands occurs when introductions are made
• Men and women are equals today in the workforce so a woman should always extend her hand when meeting someone
• Same guidelines for introductions are used for shaking hands
• A handshake is appropriate upon meeting on a street, at a social function, or in a business setting


• Conversation is an exchange of thought
• Heed these words: Stop, Look, Listen
• Limit use of “I”
• Include all people present in the conversation
• Practice active listening skills
• Read the paper so you know what’s going on, thus a basis for conversation with strangers
• A good way to encourage conversation with strangers at a table or party, is to ask advice

A Brief introduction to international protocol

It is important to note that etiquette in other cultures requires a bit of adaptation and flexibility. If you’re traveling on business to a foreign destination, or have visitors here, it is a good idea to learn as much as you can about the culture they are coming from and make appropriate allowances.
o Handling foreigners with ease
o Awareness of the common customs and social graces
o Subjects to be aware of but avoid discussing
o Discussing local customs appropriately

Social graces

• Art of small talk- when appropriate
• Introductions
• Ladies first
• Toasting


❖ When invited as a guest
❖ When you are the host
❖ Art of seating guests
❖ Art of ordering a meal or dish off the menu
❖ Table seating
❖ Wines
❖ Art of summoning a waitperson
❖ Art of tipping
❖ Thanking

Art of grooming

✓ Clothing and accessories suitable for different occasions- footwear , makeup, hair care, skin care.
✓ Colour palette
✓ Personal hygiene
✓ Dress for the occasion and the time of the day
✓ Finesse in grooming

Art of greeting

➢ Eye contact
➢ Style of greeting- a handshake, a namaste, a bow.
➢ Differentiating between ladies and gentleman
➢ Introducing oneself
➢ Introducing accompanying colleagues to clients and vice versa
➢ Addressing a client or customer

Electronic Communication

• E-mail is instant communication; it should not be lengthy
• It should follow the form of a word processed memo and professional
• It is not private or confidential; may be forwarded to others
• Do not use all CAPS; it is like shouting
• Do not forward or send chain messages
• E-mail has a group of symbols known as “emoticons”

Use of cell phones

• A timesaver for many people
• Reception may not be good due to background noise
• Turn off cell phones in meetings
• Talking on cell phone and doing another task may be distracting
• Others around can hear the user’s conversation


✓ Identify yourself when you make a call and state your business
✓ Speak clearly and distinctly
✓ Answer phone with enthusiasm
✓ If you leave a number for a call back, speak the number slowly and repeat it twice
✓ Best way to answer a phone is still “Hello”
✓ Return calls quickly
✓ If you have voice mail, make sure that it is working properly

Non-verbal Communication

• Three steps of nonverbal communication: reading, evaluating, and controlling body signals
• Skepticism: arms crossed over chest
• Gestures of stress
• Nervousness
• Gestures of superiority

Dress and Image

✓ Follow dress code of company
✓ Wear what is flattering to you
✓ Wearing of jewelry
✓ Whole attire
✓ What is your image

Office Protocol

• Know how to organize
• Know chain of command
• Be familiar with the organization of company
• Efficiency
• Integrity
• Morality
• Responsibility

Business Meals

• Who?
• Where?
• When
• Type of business
• Table Manners
• Table Settings

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